Risk assessment using data analysis

Utilizes data from various sources to assess the insurance risk of specific individuals or entities.


Implemented functionality:

  • Integration with the customer database to utilize information about clients and their policies in the analysis.
  • Use of machine learning for automatic identification of patterns and trends in customer data.
  • Application of statistical methods to assess risk and forecast the probability of insurance claims.
  • Integration with external data sources, such as weather services and crime data, to evaluate risk in different geographical areas.
  • Data visualization to provide a more visual representation of risk analysis results and client information.
  • Integration with insurance company business processes to automate risk assessment decisions and provide recommendations.
  • Integration with monitoring and auditing systems to ensure data security and confidentiality.
  • Providing access to data and analytics only for authorized users and restricting access to confidential information.
  • Use of data collection and analysis tools such as SQL, Python, R, and Tableau.
  • Ability to update and modify risk assessment models based on changes in market conditions and client data.

