Customer service based on a chatbot

Allows customers to interact with a computer program through a chat interface to get answers to their questions.


Implemented functionality:

  • Navigation through the chatbot menu to provide information about the insurance company’s products and services.
  • Integration with the customer database to provide information about policies, payments, and interaction history.
  • Use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to identify intent and automatically recognize customer queries.
  • Use of templates and predefined responses to handle common customer questions.
  • Ability to attach files and documents for processing claims and other requests.
  • Integration with analytics tools to track interaction history and assess the chatbot’s effectiveness.
  • Ability to transfer the customer dialogue to a live operator if needed.
  • Integration with various communication channels such as social media, messengers, web chat, etc.
  • Notifications and reminders for customers about upcoming dates and deadlines related to their policy.
  • Integration with security measures to protect customer confidential information and their data.

