Blockchain-based smart contracts

Utilizes smart contract technology to automate the insurance claims submission process and policy management.


Implemented functionality:

  • Use of blockchain technology for storing and transmitting data about insurance contracts.
  • Implementation of smart contracts to automate insurance payouts and claims processing.
  • Integration with accounting and analytics systems for monitoring and auditing smart contracts.
  • Use of encryption methods to secure data and ensure confidentiality.
  • Implementation of verification and authentication mechanisms for participant security in smart contracts.
  • Use of programming languages such as Solidity for smart contract implementation.
  • Integration with payment systems for transaction processing and insurance contract payments.
  • Implementation of mechanisms for automatic collection and analysis of contract status data to optimize system performance.
  • Implementation of logging mechanisms to track the history of smart contract changes.
  • Integration with other company systems, such as policy management and customer data processing systems.
